
Why is an Affiliation Necessary?

No one can join Dreamsweek without first sowing. It all starts with this personal attitude. Everyone, whether invited or not, must enter a referral link. This does not mean that it should be an affiliate; however, that if a decision is made in the future, it will already be in a cycle.

If a member invites a person, then he or she must join through the member's link.

If a person accesses the site without being invited explicitly by a member, then they must choose a top 10 or top 100 member before signing up.

TopMember links will be displayed on the sign-up page for use by people who have not been personally invited by a member.

The TopMember chosen by the new user will help you in your career and the formation of your cycle, directly or indirectly. This definition means that there is no compulsion but is a personal initiative. Direct assistance is if he engages and seek other affiliates besides his first six, and indirect assistance is if those six nominees indicate, in addition to their six members, other people as well.

Our 5thCycle system requires all members to sow in their direct or indirect guests.

An affiliate cannot in any way say that he will build someone's cycle by referring a new member. It should be noted that the new affiliate is primarily responsible but that we will all be helping him because the system will be in his favor. In other words, all who are entering through an already completed cycle are automatically distributed to the next cycle,which can be his or not.

If the cycle of that new member is advanced, the system will prioritize this to be finalized.

Direct people are the guests of the members, and the indirect ones are those who enter the cycle through the Top Members.

Our job is to get people to sign up even if they stay on the free plan. They will be affiliated with members who have paid plans, so those members can work with the people and persuade them to change plans by showing them all of the benefits they can get.

A member cannot have more than 7,776 people; this is the total number of the cycle. If a member has a large number of affiliates in the free plan, the member's mission will be to convince them to switch to a paid plan, thus getting higher commissions. SeedBonus is our tool to help our affiliates complete their fifth cycle.

Free members can remain in this category indefinitely, but it is up to the members of the cycle to persuade those free members to change their plans. That way, members can earn more and get the chance to carry out their projects. If he does not change the person he has joined, he will not be able to reach his ideal Amdreal value.

A member can change plans as many times as he or she wishes until the third cycle, that is, before reaching 296 members. No change will be allowed after this number.

When you are invited by a member who is already with your advanced cycles, you will be directed to a cycle of one of your referrals; this is what we call sowing. He is sowing you in one of your cycles to help a particular member reach his fifth cycle.

Important note
When this happens, this member has access to your email as if it were he who had invited you; this is one of the reasons we use avatars because some people do not want to be identified even by members of their cycle. You can also change your email as soon as you sign into your account by placing a unique email address for use on Dreamsweek.

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