By Wil Freire Dreamsweek Team
There are many things in life that we cannot understand and others we do not want to follow. Those that we cannot understand, we probably will not need, as long as we really cannot understand, even if we make exhaustive attempts. But those we do not want to follow are likely paths that would take us to high places and perhaps without even realizing that we would find the real meaning of our existence there.
ZacchMind is a transformed mind. A way of thinking and acting in favor of a noble cause. It is a change of attitude from someone who is faced with the truth when it opens up in front of you. It is a mental and emotional disposition of an individual who is confronted with the reality of life that it need not be in the way they teach us, but in the way, it should be: genuine, generous, and selfless.
There is a man who has correctly learned the art of doing the wrong things within the legal rules and has lived for many years as if such facts were absolute truths.
Sometimes we try to convince ourselves that things are more important than people. Yes, we try, why even a human being cannot do such something consciously. The misery of others no longer moves us, and our eyes are often on the next releases of our favorite brand, and less on relevant facts of real life.
ZacchMind is the will of a person who decides radically to change his systematic style, by another more humane. When people choose to share what they love most, it is already a clear sign that their love is moving to the right address.
If for a long time the dream of obtaining things for our delight, purely and simply, sucked all our sensibility, all that this entailed was to break in the middle our original generosity.
Joining the parts is something that requires strength, determination, and courage. Many men died at the height of their riches, and they could do nothing for them. They did great things for themselves and very little for others. Soon, everything that was built was not able to bring about significant changes, and all they could have done was along with them to the grave.
But some people decide to take the risk and pay the price. They surrender to the reality of life and do not mind doing things that can make them small to their admirers. They do what must be done, without taking away their inherent merits and capabilities.
The man whom we are taking as a model of attitude lived more than two thousand years ago. Your life example gives his name to this theme. He did the wrong things in your life until he came across the reality of real life. He had power for many things, but not the ability to see the truth. For this, he needed to climb a tree, to get a better view of what was going on so crucial in that place. His initiative to do something similar to ordinary people was a courageous attitude, which in the end led him to the personal confrontation of those who have many and many with so little.
ZacchMind comes from a man named Zaccheus. It comes from what was born in his mind when he came across the reality of a meaningless life. Living accumulating wealth, and part of it illicitly, made absolutely no sense when others had almost nothing to eat. It was then that he decided to distribute half of his goods and give them to the poor.
ZacchMind is a radical change in our lifestyle. It is a paradigm shift that the system teaches us how people who earn a lot of money should behave.
If you are prepared for this new ZacchMind behavior, welcome to the Club.
We aim to live our dreams intensely and fulfill our purpose, leading others to discover their talents and potential to follow such a path. This is a challenge that requires courage and attitude, to reach the top of our fulfillment so that we can do a little more for each other.